

Intentional killing is a person who voluntarily prevents a person from attacking the life of another person and taking his life unjustly, with the intention of causing this result.

👤 Malak Moussa


Similarities between legitimate defense and a state of necessity

The two situations coincide in that the actor in both cases is choosing between one interest and another, and for their occurrence, an imminent and unexpected danger is required, and that it threatens the soul or the property.

👤Malak Moussa

Reasons of rationalization

Reasons of rationalization are the circumstances or standards that can be relied upon in law to prove that the act committed by someone doesn’t constitue a violation to the used laws. The causes of rationalization are used to prove that someone was forced to do a certain act due to personal circumstances that makes him justified legally and not penalized to his committing.

By: Malak Moussa

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History of lifting immunities in Lebanon

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Judicial Council (Criminal Court)

Committed drug offenses

The Single Judge and the Cases He Considers

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The Lebanese constitution is a codified and rigid constitution

Black market

Bleaching the criminal record in Lebanese law



Drowsiness, shiver, eye redness, lack of personal hygiene and general look, loss or increase of appetite, black circles under the eyes and sleep disorders.

Judicial confirmation

Judicial confirmation It is the acknowledgment of the opponent or his representative on behalf of a special prosecution before the judiciary of a legal fact against him, during the course of the case related to this incident.


#Non-judicial approval It is the one issued by one of the litigants outside the Judicial Council or in the Judicial Council, but in another case not related to its subject matter.

#Judicial avowal is the master of #evidence, and it may not be retracted except for a mistake in reality.

The legislator decided that the declaration may not be retracted unless the reporter proves that he made a mistake regarding the material facts, as the material error indicates that the declaration is marred by a defect of consent.

There must be evidence equal to the admission in proving the error of that admission, like a decisive oath.

The principle is that it is not permissible to withdraw from the admission, because it is news of a fact that took place before its issuance, so the headquarters may not conceal this fact after it has become clear, whether that is before the issuance of the ruling based on the admission or after its issuance.

If a man ever felt in doubt regarding a subject, and he has previous certainty, then he doesn’t pay attention to the doubt, but rather returns to the certainity that preceeded it in his judgment.

It is meant by liability preventives, whether it was reasons, incidents or conditions, denying the penal eligibility the criminal has, that eliminates his interrogation possibility, due to the lack of condition in the liability.

A mistake in general is knowledge of a matter in a way that contradicts the truth, and sometimes it is expressed in ignorance, and a mistake is of two types: fundamental and secondary. Essential error is the one that deals with a fact that the law requires knowledge of, while the secondary mistake is that that deals with a fact that the law does not require knowledge of.

It can be defined as a young case, that is, someone who didn’t reach the age of full awareness yet. This age limitation differs between the penal laws, however most of them depend on the age 18. Also the Lebanese Legislator determined this age as the age of puberty. As a person doesn’t undergo a legal investigation unless he has the required mental ability and the freedom to practice. The lack of this ability denies the legal liability.

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