Personal status laws

الأحوال الشخصية هي مجموعة ما يتميّز به الإنسان عن غيره، من الصفات الطبيعية، أو العائلية، التي يرتب عليها القانون أثراً في حياته الاجتماعية

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الزواج المدني في القانون اللبناني

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إعداد وتقديم غنوة برادى

بطلان الزواج لدى الطوائف الكاثوليكية

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تينا أربيد

Not allowing a mother to give citizenship to her son

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By : jumana kassar

المثلية الجنسية

Civil marriage

Civil marriage can be defined as a bilateral contract between a man and a woman, adults, that takes place with consent and acceptance, like other civil contracts, the subject of which is an agreement to establish a permanent joint marital life between the spouses.

1- Definition

2- Its Obligations

3- Legal Conditions

4- Legal Status in the Case of Multiple Marriages

👤 Maya Hobeish


– Judge John Al-Qazi: Civil Marriage, Beirut 2007

– Dr. Edmond Naim: Al-Wajeez in Private International Law, Beirut, 1967.

-Dr. Mustafa Mansour: The Manual of Private International Law, Beirut 1991.

-Dr. Sami Mansour: Limits and Areas of Change in the Family Legal System, 1996.

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It is a period of engagement between fiancées. It promises and preceded marriage, and bears no legal implications. In other words, it does not bind the fiancés, and each of them would still hold the right to back down. It does not entail any rights and obligations. In fact, rare are the marriages that happen without them.


Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman to have a life together, in order to form a family and cooperate in a family atmosphere of love, stability and reassurance.

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