
A website to help jurists and spread the legal culture around the world


A page founded via an Instagram app on August 9, 2020, by Mr. Mohamad-Chahir Najib is in his first year of law at the Faculty of Law of the Lebanese University, section III. This page is responsible for the dissemination of legal culture in Lebanon.
During the first period of his establishment, Najib tried not to reveal his identity by following up on famous legal and political figures in order to ensure the complete neutrality and independence of the page, apart from his personal opinions and beliefs.
Some time later, however, a person indicated his desire to provide content on the page, which encouraged Najib to open the way for those wishing to post content on the page to join and team up with them, while keeping the page confidential and not disclosing their identities.
About three weeks later, the page had its first partnership with True By Told. The partnership was announced by the publication of an interview on the page by Ms. Yara Al – Sayegh Founder of Truth Be Told organization with the Founder Mohamad-Chahir Najib, during which he spoke about the history of the page, team members, work structure, administrative divisions, goals, activities and political vision. Najib has thus revealed his identity for the first time, starting to reveal the identity and vision of the members of the team one by one and mentioning their names, along with the work they presented and presented to the page. The number of females on the site that outnumbered the men was observed. One of Najib’s goals was to emphasize the role of women in society and their involvement in the labour market. In another angle, there is a presence on the site, and a disabled person has been hired as a photographer and production assistant, as well as posting the content on the pages of the site.

The Dawn of Right has sought to diversify partnerships at various social, legal and political levels. So some of the partnerships were from political vision and national awareness-raising, some of which were social in order to apply the issues that were raised on the page in theory and to involve the members of the team in these activities by establishing a group of activists.
One year and three months after the establishment of the website and the reputation it has received as the best legal website with pages on all websites, a large number of lawyers, politicians and specialists have gathered together. As the number of applications for membership has increased, Najib has decided to put an end to the number of members by identifying the site’s basic job requirements to ensure its continuity and further development, thereby identifying a number of less soft membership requirements, with qualifications, commitments and the most recent penalties.


We begin with an inclusive vision of the Lebanese and the Lebanese, which seeks to reverse the beautiful image of Lebanon by its diverse communities and doctrines, and which is diverse in the views of its people.
We adhere to civic and democratic values, and we call for the independence of the judiciary, administrative decentralization, social justice, a productive economy, the cessation of debt, equality of citizens and respect for plurality of views.

What does our site offer?

Based on the principle that the law is the right of all citizens, our page offers many legal services to its users, such as:

  • Summaries of some legal books
  • Official Gazette
  • Legal Information
  • Legal Jobs and Internships
  • Legal Tests and Questions
  • Legal and Social Surveys
  • Weekly interviews about legal, social and political topics
  • Private Tutors
  • Legal Advices

What is our goal?

Najib sought to reflect his co-living page in Lebanon The emergence of the page was accompanied by the outbreak of the 17 October revolution. Most Lebanese pages at the time overcame the revolutionary nature of the political class and the views of the rest of Lebanese belonging to the parties of that class were marginalized. This is incompatible with the principles of the non-obedient page of the other party’s opinion, while maintaining independence.

It also sought to make the page a means of familiarizing Lebanese with their rights and duties, as well as familiarizing them with the history and culture of their country, Lebanon, which had many civilizations, each of which had its own imprint, which was still in the vein of its people.

Let us not forget one of the main objectives is to raise Lebanese awareness of the courts’ role in resolving disputes peacefully and to deprive them of fear to resort to them when needed.

Affiliation requirements

  • The associate should be eligible, reached the age of 18 and is free of any mental illness.
  • A student of law, political science, media and media, a lawyer, a judge, a photographer, a journalist or the author of a paragraph which he or she will submit is linked to a social or legal component of his or her competence.
  • He’s good at organizing his time and he’s aware that asking him for a rest might put him at risk of losing his job and looking for a replacement.
  • Be fluent in Arabic, English or French
  • Non-candidate or practitioner for the House of Assembly, municipal or voluntary

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